Gold Standard Sports & Entertainment, LLC


Gold Standard Sports& Entertainment is a boutique sports and entertainment marketing and management firm specializing in the brand and image building of celebrities, professional athletes, broadcasters, health & fitness experts and sports talent.

Mark Rogondino“Rogo” is in his sixth season as a member of the LA Galaxy’ Broadcast Team, sitting in the play-by-play chair with TWC. A regular on Fox Soccer Channel, he covers English Premier League, UEFA Champions’ League, Major League Soccer, International matches and much more.

The So Cal native has served as court-side reporter for the LA Clippers and UCLA basketball broadcasts, He is often used to host events, like the Celebrity Golf Championship hosted by Drew Brees in San Diego.

Rogondino has lent his talents to Fox Sports West, CBS College Sports, The Mountain Network and Comcast Sports’ Outlets.

Twitter @mrogondino